Saturday, February 23, 2013

Follow up on laundry

Well I think it was a success. We have clean clothes and it even cleaned the babies less than wonderful as I call them "blow-out" clothes. While working on the laundry project and keeping up with the rest of our crazy house we realized we were out of dishwasher detergent. So I did a little search and we are now using homemade dish washing detergent as well. Easier than laundry you take equal parts Borax and baking soda and then use 2 tablespoons in the dishwasher.

While all this was underway I was realizing over the last week a build-up on my dishes both while hand washing and machine washing  Went down and checked the water softener and filter to find everything was bypassing the system. Thank you to the hubby for taking a look and fixing things quickly. We no longer have the build up and the dishes are coming out great with the new powder we made.

With all this I also decided to rearrange a few things and now have my lovely little coffee/tea center in the kitchen. Hopefully this will keep me from cluttering this spot up and free up some counter space for food prep.

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