Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to tell a ten year old

There are many questions on a 10 year old girls brain and so many are easy to skate past. I know you think this about puberty but that would be easier than this one. Last year a very close friend of our family ended her own life. We had taken family vacations together and she had a true connection to my children. When she died we were able to skate by with the story that it was an accident at home. Throughout the year it comes up and we slide past it but since we recently took our trip to Disney where she would have joined us and now the anniversary of her death is coming up in 6 weeks the questions are more frequent. My daughter is already drawing pictures to bring to her grave and deciding which prayers we will say. Betty was a planner so she would be proud of my daughter and she might also be touched that yesterday she told her friends that her friend who died was she was only 22.

So I digress back to the question part. So the dilemma is how do I answer the questions. I put this out there in the stratosphere. At what age or maturity level would you tell a little girl her hero died at her own had and that she suffered from depression. These are things way too complex for my daughter now but when would you do it. For now we will continue with the accident in the home story and as far as expounding on it for out local friends she is going to be told she fell and hit her head in the basement. Otherwise the questions will eat at her.

We do rest in the faith that our dear friend has most likely reached heaven by now since we have a loving God who new how she suffered here on earth. We also have been told by a wonderful 3 year old that she talks to Mrs. Childers who is in heaven with her mommy and daddy.

Eternal rest grant unto Betty, O Lord,
and may perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.
May her soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen

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